Not Just a Security Tool Info Dump
With over 15 years of security and penetration testing, our team of experts have proven they have what it takes to expose your weaknesses before malicious actors do. We have done work with clients ranging from government entities, banking and financial services, health care, manufacturing, and various technology companies, among many others. When we do your penetration test, we don’t have a second tier group of consultants that we send your way. All of our services are performed by the same skilled teams that deliver our core, proactive service offerings. We provide a thorough analysis and key business interpretations and actionable information, not just an information dump from a simple tool.
If all you are looking for is a check the box assessment, we may not be the right company for you. However, contact us if you are looking for a company that will provide the following:
- Unlike security wholesalers focused on assembly line assessments, at 360Secure we deliver a product tailored to your needs. We work with our customers to build an accurate profile of what the business’s primary function is, where likely threats come from, and what the goal of the assessment is. This is done to ensure that the work conducted meets your exact needs and not just what can be easily productized by simple tools.
- Once access to the target systems is obtained, that is when the real work begins of demonstrating the exposure the organization would face if this was truly a malicious situation.
- More than just the benefit of identification of possible holes in your defenses, we strive to give you the confidence that even if you some day face an adverse event, you will have the experience necessary to properly handle the situation.
- We can work with your development team as part of your application lifecycle to ensure that security issues are discovered in the development process where they are cheaper to correct.
- Post assessment, we work with you to identify what could have been in place to help prevent, identify, and recover from any malicious actions that could have been taken against your organization.